Title: | The Art of CUHK 2024 (Joint Display) |
名稱 : | 中大藝術2024(聯展) |
Date: | 2 - |
日期 : | 2024年6月2日至 |
Venue: | New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library |
地點 : | 新亞書院錢穆圖書館 |
Statement: | Once In A Blue Moon “Blue Moon” refers to the repeated presence of a full moon in the same month. This cosmic rarity symbolises preciousness and enchantment, while also attributes to exceptional discord. The impermanence and uncertainty in life deprive us of control of our lives as if we are drowning in a swirl of numbness and can hardly proceed in the mist. The fortuitousness of the blue moon is actually pointing towards certainty, like how life is ephemeral yet planned and reincarnation repeats a cycle. The moon, which stations eternally in the sky, should be in our grasp tonight. The 2024 exhibition of the Fine Arts Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is titled "Once In A Blue Moon". Confronting all kinds of force majeure, this year’s exhibition catch hold of and piece together their gentlest glow into completeness under the blue moon night. Despite realising the uncertainty of reality, we take grasp of the transience with our works, hoping to see breaking through the illusionary reality below the moon through art. Even doomed in the earthly bleak, the precious blue moon reminds us to embrace eternity in the haze. When the night is long, let’s look up at the moon. Before the night ends and the return of the blue moon, let us take a grasp of the moon tonight. |
簡介 : | 藏好今晚的月亮 「藍月亮」是指在同一個月份內出現的第二次滿月。作為難得一遇的天文現象,藍月既象徵著罕有與獨特,也可以看作是突破常規,不在規畫內所發生的意外。當世事無常、在許多令人束手無策的時刻,失去了對自身的控制,仿佛令我們墮進麻木的輪迴,在迷霧中躊躇難行。藍月的偶然性其實是必然,就如人生種種未知也許早有定律,正如輪迴至終也會回到原點。我們見到的是同一個月亮,月終究是永恆。今晚的月亮,注定屬於我們。 2024年度中大藝術系本科以《藏好今晚的月亮》為題,面對各種不可抗力,在一去不返的藍月夜,緊握各自的微光拼湊成圓滿。我們領教了世事的變幻莫測、卻同時學會透過創作去抓緊稍瞬即逝的一切、在鏡花水月中看見藝術的塵世天堂。既然現世黯淡無光,藍月依稀,我們更要在茫茫大霧中窺探永恆。黑夜降臨之際,讓我們抬頭看月亮。在終將曲終人散之前,在更加期待下次藍月再至之時,讓我們藏好今晚的月亮。 |
Poster 海報