Title: | Head to Tail 19..21 (Joint Display) |
名稱 : | 對倒19..21 (聯展) |
Artists: | Chan Ho Yin Scofield and Peter Sam |
作者 : | 陳浩然及岑偉豪 |
Date: | 24 April – 5 May 2023 (Extended to 12 May 2023) |
日期 : | 2023年4月24日至5月5日 (展期延長至2023年5月12日) |
Venue: | New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library |
地點 : | 新亞書院錢穆圖書館 |
Statement: | The title of Hong Kong modern literature writer Liu Yichang's novel 「對倒」is a translation of tête-bêche (head-to-tail), which describes a pair of stamps that are printed head to tail in relation to each other intentionally or accidentally. The novel takes its title meaning, using a parallel narrative to express the state of mind and urban conditions of a young lady and old man in the 1970s. "Head to tail 19..21" photo exhibition is curated by Scofield Chan, a MAFA student, he tried to explore the possibility of “head to tail” from a random selection of photographic works from amateur street photographer Peter Sam taken in 2019 and works taken by Scofield Chan in 2021. In the gathering, Scofield and Peter selected the most memorable photographs in 2021 and 2019 respectively. Coincidentally, they discovered that the two could be combined, Scofield arranged the photos in a symmetrical collage and arranged these two sets of photos in these two years to become a story about "matters happen in a day". The humanities and customs of these two years coincidentally form a symmetrical space that can be viewed. The view of two years, in a group of reading spaces that can be watched, makes people reflect on the transformation of the city in just three years. The article uses QR CODE as a link, allowing readers to use QR CODE to spy on their stories after viewing the photos.
Scofield Chan: As a street photographer, who graduated from the Department of Chinese language and literature, used to express himself on writing in the past. Had won Global Youth Chinese Literary Award for the New Century in CUHK. After graduation, he continued to wander on the streets on foot to explore his city and to express his mind. He has won the silver award and honorable mention in the street photography category of the PX3 and the Winner in the black and white category of the National Geographic Wheelock Hong Kong Photo Contest. He is currently studying for the Master of Arts in Fine Art and his photographic works are usually displayed at Instagram: @Sco_street. Peter Sam: An amateur photographer, working in the IT industry. He first only treats photography as a hobby and a way to relax and express his inner world. He later discovered that photography helps him interact and communicate with the outside world and broaden his sense of observation about the surroundings. The photography process for him is always a moment of joy. The process of shooting on the street sometimes is more fun and rewarding than the “result” he gets. Instagram: @dupdupdee. |
簡介 : | 「對倒」一詞是劉以鬯的小說名稱,原指錯體印刷的郵票上下倒轉的情況。小說取其意,運用了雙線平衡的敘事結構,表現了兩位主人翁在70年代間截然不同的心理及城市狀況。是次展覽名為「對倒19..21」,由藝術系文學碩士二年級生陳浩然(Scofield Chan)策展,並從街拍素人岑偉豪 (Peter Sam) 在2019年拍攝的作品集中,隨意找出一組「對倒」的可能性。一次聚會中,陳浩然和岑偉豪各自在2021及2019年的照片紀錄中,尋找出較為難忘的攝影作品,巧合發現兩年間各自拍攝的照片,竟巧合地出現對讀的可能性。於是兩人嘗試就自己的照片書寫有關「一天」的故事,由陳浩然對稱拼貼排序。兩年間的人文風情,在一組組可觀看的對讀空間中,讓人反思短短三年間城市的轉變,文章以QR CODE作連結,讓讀者觀看照片後,使用QR CODE窺探他們的故事。
陳浩然:街頭攝影師,畢業於中文系,早期喜歡文字創作,曾獲全球華文青年文學獎。畢業後繼續流浪街頭,喜歡以步行親身探索城市形象與自身的情感關係。陳氏曾獲巴黎攝影大獎街頭攝影組銀獎及榮譽選、國家地理會德豐香港攝影大賽黑白組第一名,現就讀藝術文學碩士課程,作品多展示於社交平台Instagram: @Sco_street。 岑偉豪:大學畢業後一直從事電腦工作,與攝影和藝術沒關係。 攝影對他來說是減壓的好方法,下班後到街上拍攝,多少能抒發內心世界。後來通過攝影,他認為可以擴闊視野及與外界溝通互動,街拍的過程有時比獲得的「結果」更有趣!他的作品多展示於Instagram: @dupdupdee. |
Poster 海報