Title: | “God, I , and the Other” |
名稱: | 上主、我與「他者」 |
Artists: | Students of Divinity School of Chung Chi College |
作者: | 崇基學院神學院同學 |
Date: | 13 March - 30 April, 2019 |
日期: | 2019年3月13日至4月30日 |
Statement: | In the academy, we assume that I as a subject is distant and excluded from the marginalized other. The social constructed other sometimes is stigmatized and labeled by religions. Locating at the centre, I still have a dynamic relationship with the other, which is marginalized at the border. Suggested by post-structural and post-modern theories, both I-subject and the Other-object are in-process and destabilizing.
This exhibition of “God, I, and the Other” display a theological reflection of a group of Divinity School of Chung Chi College students studying Theology and Feminism. Their artworks reflect their understanding of the other, and the dynamic relationship among God, I, and the other. You are welcome to visit, to participate in and to imagine with us. |
簡介: | 當代學術研究裡,我作為主體與其周遭被界定邊緣的「他者」似乎是不相往來,互相排斥。被社會建構出來的他者,有時也會因宗教之名再被污名化、標籤化。事實上,安置在中心的「自我」與被下放邊陲的「他者」是不可分割。經過後結構主義和後現代主義的洗禮後,無論「我」和「他者」都變得流動,和存在很多不穩定性。
〈上主、我與「他者」〉展覽,展示了一班香港中文大學崇基學院神學院修讀神學與女性主義的同學反思和構想他們眼中的他者,並反省上主、我與他者的三者關係。我們誠邀你一同來參觀、參與和想像 |
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