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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Exhibition Details

Title: Our 12 Years (Joint Display )
名稱: 我們的十二年 (聯展)
Artists: Cheung Yeuk Fei, Enna and Ho Hor You, Romelle 
作者: 張若菲及何賀堯
Date: 28 November – 9 December 2022 
日期: 2022年11月28日至12月9 日
Statement: Romelle, Hor Yiu HO currently an undergraduate student in the Department of Fine Arts. Romelle HO is learning various media of presenting art, mainly focusing on drawing, painting, sculpture. Interested in discussing origins and relations of different elements around our surroundings, uncovering the “truth” through her own perspective and experience as her theme of works.

Enna CHEUNG is an artist born and raised in Hong Kong, she is currently an undergraduate art student in the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK. By implementing the artistic language of sculpture, printmaking and installation, Enna Cheung’s work involves images, signs and symbols from nature, subconsciousness, and imagination. 

簡介: 何賀堯現就讀於香港中文大學藝術系。何氏正在學習各種表現藝術的媒介,主要集中在繪畫和雕塑。對討論四周不同元素的起源和之間的關係感興趣,以通過自己的角度和經驗去發現所謂的「真實」作為創作主題。


Exhibition Details

Poster 海報