Title: | "When Jacques Rancière Encountered Maurice Merleau-Ponty” Solo Display for the Western Paintings by Vincent LEE Kwun-leung |
名稱 : | 「當洪席耶遇上梅洛龐締」李冠良個人西畫展 |
Artist: | Lee Kwun Leung Vincent |
作者 : | 李冠良 |
Date: | 22 May – 2 June 2023 |
日期 : | 2023年5月22日至6月2日 |
Venue: | Exhibition Gallery on M/F & 2/F, New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library |
地點 : | 新亞書院錢穆圖書館閣樓及二樓展覽廊 |
Statement: | Jacques Rancière stressed “playful hallucinations” as a guiding code for narrative-painting expression, whereas Maurice Merleau-Ponty stressed the description of “dehiscence” and “instantaneous glimpse of movement” from the subject matters through one’s “autofigurative sentiments”. Are there any contradictions between “playful hallucinations” and “autofigurative sentiments”? There is a common ground for both notions which is “To portray the essence of the subject matter based on a sentimental observation on its form” avocation by Gu Kaizhi from the Eastern Jin Dynasty. No matter for manifesting “imaginations” or “eyes from the mind” for creating paintings, Gu Kaizhi’s avocation implies that we should convey the humorous sentiments of the subject matters based on our individual perceptional experiences.
Vincent Lee Kwun-leung graduated from HKBU Academy of Visual Arts. He obtained a Master of Social Science Degree in Contemporary China Studies at HKBU and a Master of Arts Degree in Fine Arts at CUHK. He has ever organized solo-displays at Cultural Centre, Fringe Club, Chai Wan Youth Square, Purple Bar & Lounge, Rosaryhill School Basement VA Gallery and CUHK New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library. Now, he operates an independent painting studio at the Unit 1515 of Kwai Shing Industrial Building (Phase 2) in Kwai Hing, namely “Atelier de Belas-Artes do Vincent Lee”. He is also a regular speaker for academic talks at Hong Kong Society of Humanities. Vincent Lee obtained a Champion from the “2006 E-Card Design Competition” organized by HKBU Chaplain’s Office and received the “Outstanding Graduate Award of Year 2009” from HKBU Office of Student Affairs. Vincent Lee has ever served as an Art Officer at Art Of Nature Gallery and an art-jamming tutor at Galerie Le Createur. He has also taught Children Chinese Ink Painting Course at Sing Wai Piano Company Limited and Comic Drawing Workshop at Pope Paul VI College. |
簡介 : | 洪席耶主張以「戲玩的幻像」來表現故事性繪畫,而梅洛龐洛則主張以「意向基質」來描繪物像的「裂痕」和「變動感」。「戲玩的幻像」和「意向基質」兩者本身有沒有矛盾?兩種境界的共通點乃是東晉顧愷之的「以形寫神」精髓,無論是以「想像」或是以「心眼」作畫,「以形寫神」就是以個人感知經驗出發去展現物像的趣味。
李冠良畢業於浸大視覺藝術院,並獲得浸大當代中國研究社會科學碩士及香港中文大學藝術文學碩士的學術資歷,曾於文化中心、藝穗會、柴灣青年廣場、Purple Bar & Lounge、玫瑰崗學校地庫視藝廊、中大新亞書院錢穆圖書館舉辦個展,現於葵興貴盛工業大廈第二期1515室營運獨立油畫工作室,名叫《Atelier de Belas-Artes do Vincent Lee》,亦是香港人文學會的常任講座講者。李冠良於浸大校牧處舉辦之《2006年E-Card設計比賽》獲得冠軍,獲浸大學生事務處頒發《Outstanding Graduate Award of Year 2009》;李冠良曾在天趣畫廊任職藝術主任及Galerie Le Createur任職art-jamming導師,並曾在聲威琴行任教兒童國畫班、在保祿六世中學擔任課後漫畫班導師。 |