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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Title: 2019-20 Literary CUHK Essay Competition – Exhibition of Entries
名稱: 2019-20 年度「文學中大」徵文比賽得獎作品展覽
Date: 15 March – 9 April 2021 
日期: 2021年3月15日至4月9日
Statement: 2019-20 Literary CUHK Essay Competition was organised by the Chinese Language Teaching Development Centre (CLTDC) of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK. It aimed to arouse students’ interest in creative writing in the Chinese Language, enhance their observation and expressive skills. It was also hoped that the competition would promote literary creation on the campus. The competition was open to undergraduate and postgraduate students, staff and alumni from CUHK.
This Year, 24 contestants were awarded, including students and alumni from various faculties and departments. Literature belongs to everyone who feels connected with the university, not only limited to a particular group of people.
Winning entries illustrated the appealing scenery of the campus, told the unveiled stories of CUHKers, expressed personal thoughts on life and society, and criticized with reason and compassion.
More Information on the exhibition is available at the Learning Chinese Outside Classroom webpage at
簡介: 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系中國語文教學發展中心舉辦第五屆「文學中大」徵文比賽,旨在提倡校園創作風氣,鼓勵同學描寫校園內外所見山水或社區面貌,並從中提煉所思所感,把自己的人文思考化為筆下的論辯文字,把山城的人文關懷投向社會。香港中文大學本科生、研究生、教職員及校友均可參加。


Poster 海報