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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Exhibition Details

Title: Arbitrary Sketch —-Exhibition of Chinese paintings from Prof Lee Yun Woon’s Bamboo Study (Solo Display)
名稱: 逸興小品---李潤桓教授借竹軒作品展 ﹙個展﹚
Artist: Professor Lee Yun Woon
作者 : 李潤桓教授
Date: 29 April – 10 May 2024 (Extended to 17 May 2024)
日期 : 2024年4月29日至5月10日 (展期延長至2024年5月17日)
Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library
地點 : 新亞書院錢穆圖書館
Statement: Professor Lee often says: Painting and calligraphy are pursuits of tranquility and cultivation, personal elegance, and taste. Authentic emotions, comfort, and true nature are sufficient for painting and calligraphy. When one occasionally wishes to create art, it should express the artist's genuine feelings and style.

After retiring from the university's art department, Professor Lee was invited to be a senior tutor at New Asia College, where many alumni frequently return to seek guidance on painting and calligraphy appraisal and research. Professor Lee generously imparts his knowledge. On sunny days, with the sunlight shining and bamboo shadows swaying outside the corridor of Humanities Building, casting reflections on the walls, creating a picturesque scene, Professor Lee playfully named this room “Bamboo Study” Thus, the alumni who often return to seek knowledge have become friends of the Bamboo Study. During gatherings, inspired by the moment, Professor Lee would create spontaneous and playful paintings. Following Professor Lee's special couplet calligraphy exhibition in October 2023, for everyone's enjoyment, we will display a collection of his paintings at the New Asia Qian Mu Library New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library from April 29 to May 10, 2024.

簡介 : 李教授常說:書畫是怡情養性、個人風雅之事,書畫寫作必須感情真摯、適意、適性足矣。偶然欲作書畫,應是作者真性情、真風格之表現。


Exhibition Details

Poster 海報