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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Exhibition Details

Title: Solitary (Joint Display)
名稱: 寂寂(聯展)
Artists: Cheung Pak Yu Astrid and Lau Mei Shan 
作者 : 張珀茹及劉美珊
Date: 19 February – 1 March 2024 
日期 : 2024年2月 19 日至3月 1 日
Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library
地點 : 新亞書院錢穆圖書館
Statement: Cheung's current artworks concentrate on urban life and emphasize the reflections on our habitual state, including the aspects of interpersonal relationships, personal practice and behavior. Her works deliberate urban life by applying the knowledge of cultural studies. One of her approaches is to explore the issues of "community" and reflect our involvement in self. Also, she explores the topic of personal space and the impact of mobility on relationships based on the characterization of late modernity. Elements about humans, daily life, the city, and dark cool tone colors are often presented in her works.

Lau Mei Shan, a year 3 fine arts student, this series of paintings is based on the theme of nature. In modern society, people are under a lot of pressure, and they are longing for freedom and peace in their hearts. Where people come from and where they are far away, the heart of return still exists in everyone's heart.
簡介 : 張珀茹的作品著重於都市生活,強調對我們慣常狀態的反思,包括人際關係、個人實踐和行為等方面。此外,她以晚期現代性的刻畫為題,探討個人空間和流動性對人際關係的影響,作品中經常出現關於人、日常生活、城市、暗冷色調的元素。


Exhibition Details

Poster 海報