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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Exhibition Details

Title: Wisdom Tooth (Solo Display )
名稱 : 智齒 (個展)
Artist: Ching Ue Wa
作者 : 程嵎樺
Date: 3  – 14 Apil 2023
日期 : 2023年4月3日至14日
Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library
地點 : 新亞書院錢穆圖書館
Statement: Wisdom Tooth speaks out about the unspeakable trauma of childhood, but it also reminds me of becoming more mature over all these years. Facing the pain should be the only way to break free from it. Rather than keeping the pain inside, remove the tooth and end the torture. Wisdom tooth sprouts during adolescence, most likely bringing you discomfort and aches. Although wisdom tooth is not an immediate health threat, you know perfectly well the agony of the incessant pain. To end the years-long suffering, once and for all, drum up the courage and have it removed.
簡介 : 《智齒》主題圍繞心中難以向外人啟齒的童年傷痛,唯有面對傷痛才能真正擺脫。回首,智齒萌出了;我亦成熟了。與其一直隱忍疼痛而苦口難言,似乎勇敢一點拔掉它比較好。智齒一般在 20歲之前萌出,由於沒有生長空間,智齒生長時往往會有疼痛。智齒不及時處理也不會怎樣,但反覆發作的痛楚只有自己最明白。反覆發炎的智齒終究得拔除,才能真正擺脫疼痛。

Exhibition Details

Poster 海報