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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Title: Panpsychism : The Physically of Ink​ 
名稱: 墨有靈 韓雁婷水墨作品展
Artist: HON, Ngan Ting Rebecca
作者: 韓雁婷
Date: 2 July - 12 July, 2019
日期 2019年7月2日至7月12日
Statement : “Have things by their motions, while themselves destitute of enjoyment, only to minister to souls as mere stimuli to this mental life” (Hermann Lotze, 1817-1881).
Panpsychism, is the doctrine or belief that everything material, however small, has an element of individual consciousness. No matter human, animals, plants, even inanimate, also have psychological being. 
The mixing effects of ink and water on Chinese rice paper always unique and unrepeatable. Does that nature movement represents all reality has some level of consciousness, even ink and water?

Rebecca, Hon Ngan Ting is a Hong Kong artist that was born in 80s. Rebecca is specialized in using ink and mix-media as a language; to reconstruct different materials and images. 
Graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and University of Sunderland, UK in 2010, she obtained a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design, a professional diploma in Art Administration, Hong Kong Baptist University and a diploma in Creative Cross-Media Illustration and Digital Drawing Techniques from the Hong Kong Productivity Council. She is studying the Master of Arts in Fine Arts (M.A.) at Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Her works have exhibited in various country include China, Taiwan, Singapore, UK etc. Short-Listed of Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition, Taiwan. She is also a member of International Watercolor Society (IWS), Hong Kong and artist member of The Fringe Club Hong Kong.

簡介: 美國泛心論者羅茲(Hermann Lotze, 1817-1881):「所有在空間活動的東西,正可解釋自然狀態的內在活力。」
泛心論(Panpsychism),認為宇宙萬物皆有心靈或精神,即使是無機物也不例外。此說假設宇宙萬物,不論人類、動物、植物,甚至普遍認為無生命的(inanimate)東西,都有內在或心理的存有(psychological being)。 


Poster 海報

Poster 海報