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New Asia College Library Exhibition Archive 新亞書院圖書館展覽庫

Exhibition Details

Title: Cestsibonk (Solo Display)
名稱 : 石屎幫(個展)
Artist: Chiu Hau Yin
作者 : 趙孝賢 
Date: 15 - 26 April 2024 
日期 : 2024年4月15日至26日
Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library
地點 : 新亞書院錢穆圖書館
Statement: Cestsibonk is an ongoing photography project capturing snapshots I started working on a year ago when I got into film photography. I love using photography to connect people and capture compelling stories. Before taking a portrait or closeup, I always ask permission to respect people's privacy. Then, I engage with my subjects to learn more about their experiences and capture their unique perspectives. The most authentic and fascinating stories come from everyday life. My work consists of simple snapshots that capture the stories and highlights of my life. I believe in the power of authenticity, which brings soul into my work.

I usually prefer using black and white films in my photography as I find the aesthetic and nostalgia of black and white photography more appealing. It helps reduce distractions from the colors and draws attention to the story I am trying to convey with the image. I plan to create a playlist that will serve as the soundtrack for the exhibition. To enhance the visitors' experience, I will provide them a cassette player through which they can listen to the curated music using headphones while they tour the exhibit. The music will enable them to immerse themselves in my work and enjoy the exhibition fully. C'est si bon!

簡介 : Cestsibonk 石屎幫,是一個超級搞笑的攝影項目!我從一年前開始拍照,當我開始玩膠片攝影時,我就知道這世界需要一個石屎幫!我超愛用攝影來拉近人與人之間的距離,還有捕捉一些超吸睛的故事。在拍攝肖像或特寫之前,我總是客氣地問問許可,因為我尊重人隱私,也不想惹麻煩。然後,我會和被拍者互動,多聽聽他們的人生經歷,捕捉他們獨特的視角。其實,最有趣和最真實的故事都發生在我們平凡的日常生活中!我的作品都是些簡單的快照,記錄著我生活中的大小事。我深信真實性的力量,它能給我的作品注入靈魂,也能讓大家認識到石屎幫攝影的獨特魅力!


Exhibition Details

Poster 海報