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Law Database Guides: China Academic Journals Full-text Database

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China Academic Journals Full-text Database (China Journal Net)(中國期刊全文數據庫)

China Academic Journals Full-text Database (China Journal Net) is a database of multi-disciplinary with full-text journals published in China from 1994 to the present (some publications start from 1915). It includes law, science, medicine, social science and humanities, etc. It is a database that is useful for finding materials on PRC law.

The database covers journals, theses, proceedings, newspapers and yearbooks, as well as featured products for overseas users, such as reference works, statistics, CNKI ebooks, Academic Focus, Journal Translation Project, Academic Reference and China Data Insights.

From the Databases page on the Library homepage, select 中國期刊全文數據庫 China Journal Net (CJN)

It provides search interface in Chinese (Traditional) or Chinese (Simplified). The full text journal articles are in Chinese.

Searching Legal Materials

Basic Search

1. Enter your search terms in the search box and click “Browser” icon.

2. Click the drop-down menu to specify a search field where you want the search terms appear, for example, topic, summary, article title, full text etc.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search provides multiple search options to enable you to search more related content.

1. Choose a specific search field, add or remove search fields.

2. Use “Precise” “精確 or “Fuzzy” “mode. Precise – the database will look for records that match exactly with the search term (s) while fuzzy search allows search term (s) contain(s) additional or missing characters.

3. Select the categories to search in different subjects.

Viewing Your Search Results

1. Choose the type of results you wish to review by clicking the tabs on the top.

2. Enter another search terms in the search box, then click “Search within results” box to narrow down your results to a specific topic. “Search within results” runs across your entire search results that you have got.

3. Click the icons to download or view full text.

4. Click title to open the full text.

Please click here for a detailed CNKI User’s Guide.