If you are unsure of a particular law report citation or abbreviation, try the Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations.
Citation |
AC | Law Reports: Appeal Cases (3rd series) | KD275.4 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
ALJR | Australian Law Journal Reports | KU18.A2 A93 Access via Westlaw Asia, Westlaw Australia |
All ER | All England Law Reports | KD288 .A64 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
All ER Rep | All England Law Reports Reprints | KD288 .A6 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
ALR | Australian Law Reports | KU19.A2 A97 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
App Cas | Law Reports: Appeal Cases (2nd series) | KD275.4 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
BORD | Hong Kong Inland Revenue-Board of Review Decisions | KNR2786.8 .H6 Access via Free Journals |
CCC | Canadian Criminal Cases | Access via BestCase |
Ch | Law Reports: Chancery Division (3rd series) | KD276.3 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
Ch D | Law Reports: Chancery Division (2nd series) | KD276.3 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
CHKEC | Chinese Hong Kong Electronic Citation | Access via Westlaw Asia |
CLR | Commonwealth Law Reports | KU18.A2 A92 Access via Westlaw Asia |
Con LR | Construction Law Reports | KD1641.A38 C66 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Classic |
Cox CC | Cox's Criminal Cases | KD7865.A2 R46 Access via HeinOnline |
CPD | Law Reports: Common Pleas Division | KD277.4 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
CPR | Hong Kong Conveyancing and Property Reports | KNR713.A48 H6 |
Cr App R | Criminal Appeal Reports | KD7865.A2 C7 Access via Westlaw Asia |
Cr App R (S) | Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) | KD8406 .A514 Access via Westlaw Asia |
DLR | Dominion Law Reports (Canada, 1912-55) | Access via BestCase |
DLR (2d) | Dominion Law Reports (2d) (Canada, 1956-68) | Access via BestCase |
DLR (3d) | Dominion Law Reports (3d) (Canada, 1969-84) | Access via BestCase |
DLR (4d) | Dominion Law Reports (4th) (Canada, 1985- ) | Access via BestCase |
EHRR | European Human Rights Reports | KJE5132.A4 E8 Access via Westlaw Asia |
ER | English Reports (UK) | KD270 1220.E5 Access via Westlaw Asia, Lexis+ Hong Kong, HeinOnline |
Ex D | Law Reports: Exchequer Division |
KD277.6 .L38 |
Fam | Law Reports: Family Division | KD279.4 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
Fam LR | Family Law Reports (Australia) | KU536.3 .F36 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
Fed LR | Federal Law Reports | Access via Westlaw Asia |
FSR | Fleet Street Reports | KD1365.A2 F54 Access via Westlaw Asia |
HKC | Hong Kong Cases | KNR19.A2 H5 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
HKCFAR | Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports (the authorised) = 香港終審法院案例彙報 | KNR18.A2 H6 Access via Westlaw Asia |
HKCL | Hong Kong Current Law | K8 .O43 |
HKCLC | Hong Kong Company Law Cases | Access via PrimeLaw |
HKCLR | Hong Kong Criminal Law Reports | KNR3796.3 H6 Access via Westlaw Asia |
HKCLRT | Hong Kong Chinese Law Reports & Translations = 香港中文判案書與英譯本彙編 | KNR19.A2 H63 Access via Westlaw Asia |
HKCU | Hong Kong Cases Unreported | Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
HKDCLR | Hong Kong District Court Law Reports | KNR19.A2 H67 Access via Westlaw Asia |
HKEC | Hong Kong Electronic Citation | Access via Westlaw Asia |
HKFLR | Hong Kong Family Law Reports | KNR536.3 .H65 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
HKLD | Hong Kong Law Digest | K8 .O43 |
HKLR | Hong Kong Law Reports | KNR19.A2 H6 Access via Westlaw Asia |
HKLRD | Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest (also case summaries) |
KNR19.A2 H6 KNR19.A2 H62 Access via Westlaw Asia |
HKLRD(PD) | Hong Kong Law Reports (Practice Directions) |
KNR3520 .A33 |
HKLRD (Yrbk) | Hong Kong Law Digest Yearbook | KNR19.A32 H6 |
HKLTLR | Hong Kong Lands Tribunal Law Reports | KNR658.A57 L3 Access via Westlaw Asia |
HKLY | Hong Kong Law Yearbook | KNR19.A32 H6 |
HKJC | Hong Kong Judicial Cases | Access via PrimeLaw |
HKJR | Hong Kong Judicial Reports | Access via PrimeLaw |
HKPLR | Hong Kong Public Law Reports | KNR1710.A57 H66 |
HKRC | Hong Kong Revenue Cases (in Hong Kong Revenue Legislation Service) |
KNR2832 .H586 |
HKTC | Hong Kong Tax Cases | KNR2786.3 .H66 |
ILR | International Law Reports | KZ199 .I58 Access via Cambridge Law Reports |
IPR | Intellectual Property Reports | KU1100.A48 I58 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
IRBRD | Hong Kong Inland Revenue Board of Review Decisions | KNR2786.8 .H6 Access via Free Journals |
KB | Law Reports: King's Bench Division | KD277.7 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR A & E | Law Reports: Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases | KD279.2 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR CCR | Law Reports: Crown Cases Reserved | KD275.4 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR Ch App | Law Reports: Chancery Appeals Cases | KD276 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR CP | Law Reports: Common Pleas Cases | KD277.3 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR Eq | Law Reports: Equity Cases | KD276.2 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR Ex | Law Reports: Exchequer Cases | KD277.5 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR HL | Law Reports: English & Irish Appeals | KD275 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR P & D | Law Reports: Probate & Divorce Cases | KD279 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR PC | Law Reports: Privy Council Appeals | KD275.3 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR QB | Law Reports: Queen's Bench | KD277 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LR Sc | Law Reports: Scotch & Divorce Appeals | KD275.2 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
LT/LTR | Law Times Reports | KD288 .A34 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
NZLR | New Zealand Law Reports | Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong |
P/PD | Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty | KD279.3 .L38 Access via Westlaw Asia |
QB | Queen's Bench | KD277 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
QBD | Queen's Bench Division | KD277.2 .L38 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
SCR | Canada Supreme Court Reports | Access via HeinOnline, Lexis+ Hong Kong |
TLR | Times Law Reports | KD288 .A5 Access via Westlaw Asia, vLexJustis |
WLR | Weekly Law Reports | KD282 .W44 Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia |
16 Feb 2022 (Version 14)