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Law Report Citations




AC Law Reports: Appeal Cases (3rd series) KD275.4 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
ALJR Australian Law Journal Reports KU18.A2 A93
Access via Westlaw Asia, Westlaw Australia
All ER All England Law Reports KD288 .A64
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
All ER Rep All England Law Reports Reprints KD288 .A6
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
ALR Australian Law Reports KU19.A2 A97
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
App Cas Law Reports: Appeal Cases (2nd series) KD275.4 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
BORD Hong Kong Inland Revenue-Board of Review Decisions KNR2786.8 .H6
Access via Free Journals
CCC Canadian Criminal Cases Access via BestCase
Ch Law Reports: Chancery Division (3rd series) KD276.3 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
Ch D Law Reports: Chancery Division (2nd series) KD276.3 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
CHKEC Chinese Hong Kong Electronic Citation Access via Westlaw Asia
CLR Commonwealth Law Reports KU18.A2 A92
Access via Westlaw Asia
Con LR Construction Law Reports KD1641.A38 C66
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Classic
Cox CC Cox's Criminal Cases KD7865.A2 R46
Access via HeinOnline
CPD Law Reports: Common Pleas Division KD277.4 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
CPR Hong Kong Conveyancing and Property Reports KNR713.A48 H6
Cr App R Criminal Appeal Reports KD7865.A2 C7
Access via Westlaw Asia
Cr App R (S) Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) KD8406 .A514
Access via Westlaw Asia
DLR Dominion Law Reports (Canada, 1912-55) Access via BestCase
DLR (2d) Dominion Law Reports (2d) (Canada, 1956-68) Access via BestCase
DLR (3d) Dominion Law Reports (3d) (Canada, 1969-84) Access via BestCase
DLR (4d) Dominion Law Reports (4th) (Canada, 1985- ) Access via BestCase
EHRR European Human Rights Reports KJE5132.A4 E8
Access via Westlaw Asia
ER English Reports (UK) KD270 1220.E5
Access via Westlaw Asia, Lexis+ Hong Kong, HeinOnline
Ex D Law Reports: Exchequer Division

KD277.6 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia

Fam Law Reports: Family Division KD279.4 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
Fam LR Family Law Reports (Australia) KU536.3 .F36
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
Fed LR Federal Law Reports Access via Westlaw Asia
FSR Fleet Street Reports KD1365.A2 F54
Access via Westlaw Asia
HKC Hong Kong Cases KNR19.A2 H5
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
HKCFAR Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports (the authorised) = 香港終審法院案例彙報 KNR18.A2 H6
Access via Westlaw Asia
HKCL Hong Kong Current Law K8 .O43
HKCLC Hong Kong Company Law Cases Access via PrimeLaw
HKCLR Hong Kong Criminal Law Reports KNR3796.3 H6
Access via Westlaw Asia
HKCLRT Hong Kong Chinese Law Reports & Translations = 香港中文判案書與英譯本彙編 KNR19.A2 H63
Access via Westlaw Asia
HKCU Hong Kong Cases Unreported Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
HKDCLR Hong Kong District Court Law Reports KNR19.A2 H67
Access via Westlaw Asia
HKEC Hong Kong Electronic Citation Access via Westlaw Asia
HKFLR Hong Kong Family Law Reports KNR536.3 .H65
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
HKLD Hong Kong Law Digest K8 .O43
HKLR Hong Kong Law Reports KNR19.A2 H6
Access via Westlaw Asia
HKLRD Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest
(also case summaries)
KNR19.A2 H6
KNR19.A2 H62
Access via Westlaw Asia
HKLRD(PD) Hong Kong Law Reports
(Practice Directions)
KNR3520 .A33
HKLRD (Yrbk) Hong Kong Law Digest Yearbook KNR19.A32 H6
HKLTLR Hong Kong Lands Tribunal Law Reports KNR658.A57 L3
Access via Westlaw Asia
HKLY Hong Kong Law Yearbook KNR19.A32 H6
HKJC Hong Kong Judicial Cases Access via PrimeLaw
HKJR Hong Kong Judicial Reports Access via PrimeLaw
HKPLR Hong Kong Public Law Reports KNR1710.A57 H66
HKRC Hong Kong Revenue Cases
(in Hong Kong Revenue Legislation Service)
KNR2832 .H586
HKTC Hong Kong Tax Cases KNR2786.3 .H66
ILR International Law Reports KZ199 .I58
Access via Cambridge Law Reports
IPR Intellectual Property Reports KU1100.A48 I58
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
IRBRD Hong Kong Inland Revenue Board of Review Decisions KNR2786.8 .H6
Access via Free Journals
KB Law Reports: King's Bench Division KD277.7 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR A & E Law Reports: Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases KD279.2 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR CCR Law Reports: Crown Cases Reserved KD275.4 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR Ch App Law Reports: Chancery Appeals Cases KD276 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR CP Law Reports: Common Pleas Cases KD277.3 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR Eq Law Reports: Equity Cases KD276.2 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR Ex Law Reports: Exchequer Cases KD277.5 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR HL Law Reports: English & Irish Appeals KD275 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR P & D Law Reports: Probate & Divorce Cases KD279 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR PC Law Reports: Privy Council Appeals KD275.3 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR QB Law Reports: Queen's Bench KD277 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LR Sc Law Reports: Scotch & Divorce Appeals KD275.2 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
LT/LTR Law Times Reports KD288 .A34
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
NZLR New Zealand Law Reports Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong
P/PD Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty KD279.3 .L38
Access via Westlaw Asia
QB Queen's Bench KD277 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
QBD Queen's Bench Division KD277.2 .L38
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia
SCR Canada Supreme Court Reports Access via HeinOnline, Lexis+ Hong Kong
TLR Times Law Reports KD288 .A5
Access via Westlaw Asia, vLexJustis
WLR Weekly Law Reports KD282 .W44
Access via Lexis+ Hong Kong, Westlaw Asia

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Last Update

16 Feb 2022 (Version 14)