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Medical Database Guides: CINAHL Ultimate

Using the CINAHL/MeSH Headings Feature in the New EBSCOhost User Interface

Access CINAHL Ultimate

From the A-Z Databases list on the Library homepage, select CINAHL Ultimate.

Combining Searches (Free Text & CINAHL Headings) in Search History

CINAHL Ultimate

CINAHL Ultimate provides nursing and allied health professionals access to leading nursing and allied health journals. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, and research instruments.

Searching CINAHL Ultimate

View steps to search the database by clicking on the links below.

Advanced Search  

The Advanced Search screen offers more ways to search the abstract, titles, keywords ,etc. and offers CINAHL Subject Headings mapping.

Search with keywords

Step 1. The default field for undefined searches is All fields. You can choose a specific field from the drop-down menu to search for.

Step 2. To run a title or abstract search, enter your keywords in the search box, e.g. gynecological cancer. Repeat the same keywords in the second row, select the Abstract field and the Title field for each row, link them with Boolean operator OR. 

Remark: There is no need to run the search for now. The search can be run after adding the CINAHL Headings to the same search box.


Search with CINAHL Headings

To search for the CINAHL Headings for your keywords, you need to search for the keywords one by one. If CINAHL Headings can be mapped for your keywords, a list of Headings is shown.

Step 3. Use CINAHL Headings for searching the Headings. Enter your keywords in the search box, e.g. gynecological cancer. 

Step 4. Select the relevant CINAHL Heading(s) to search.

Step 5. Select one or more Subheadings of the CINAHL Heading to search if you want to focus on any specific aspects of the Heading that are pertinent to the article. 

Step 6. The default setting is Explode. Uncheck Explode if you do not want to include all its more specific terms grouped under the CINAHL heading in the search. You may click on the CINAHL heading to look for the more specific terms.

Step 7. Check Major Concept box if you want to limit your search to those articles in which the Heading is considered as the major point of the article.

Step 8. Press Add to Search to continue. The CINAHL Heading will be shown in the search bar.


Step 9. Make sure to link them with Boolean operator OR. Click Search to run the search for the first search concept. Repeat the above search step for another search concept.

Combine & Limit Searches

Step 1. Go to New search (to clear up the previous search)

Step 2. Then go to Recent activity.

Step 3. Check the boxes to combine the relevant search concepts.  

Step 4. Combine the selected searches using AND, OR Boolean operators. Use AND to combine two different search concepts.

Step 5. The combined search is added to the search bar (check if any previous search was added to the search bar, if there was, delete the previous search and keep the combined search). Select the search icon to run the search.


Step 6. Select All filters if you want to limit your searches, e.g., Publication Date, Source Types or Age.

Step 7. Select Apply for applying the limit to the search.

View Full Text & Export Search Results to EndNote and Covidence

Step 1. Select Show more to view the article abstract.

Step 2. Full text is available as PDF or Online full text.

Step 3. To export all search results, press the icon next to the Results and select Export results (Up to 25,000). You will be prompted to sign into/register your own EBSCOhost account. Select RIS to export selected records to citation management tools such as EndNote or to the systematic review management tool, Covidence. You will receive an email with a link to download the file once the export is complete. 



Save Search History & Run Saved Search

Step 1. Once you have constructed your search, hover to Search actions and select Save search to save your search history. 

Step 2. You will be prompted to login/register an account with EBSCOhost. 

Step 3. Give your search a name. You can also use the Description field to add any extra notes about the search.  Remember to press Save at the end of the page.

Step 4. To run your saved search, click on the icon Saved on My dashboard on the left panel.

Step 5. All the saved searches are shown on this page. Select the saved search you want to run. 

Step 6. You can also save your search to Project by selecting Add to project. 


Save results and search history to Project

If you are working on multiple research projects, the Project function allows you to better manage your saved results and search history by creating projects on different topics. 

Step 1. To save search results to Projects, at the results page, click Select 1 – 50 (You can only choose up to 50 at a time).


Step 2. Select Add to project.




Step 3. Select New Project to create a new one.

Step 4. Give a name to your Project and assign each Project a Due Date (optional).

Step 5. To browse your project, select Projects on the left panel. 

Step 6. You can see the selected results are shown in Records.

Step 7. To save the search history in Projects, you have to save it to Saved (at My dashboard) first before adding it to Projects (refer to the above section Save Search History)