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Academic Information Management System (AIMS): 5 Set Alerts in Web of Science

Set Alerts in the Web of Science


The Web of Science importing function in AIMS is currently unavailable. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.


You may create alerts in the Web of Science that will inform you by email when a new publication (matching the search criteria you have saved) is added to the database. Please find the steps below. 

  • Access the Web of Science HERE
  • To create an alert, you need to sign in to the Web of Science with your credentials for ResearcherID, Publons, or Endnote. These tools share the same sign-in credentials. If you have not created an account yet, you can register by clicking "Register" and then complete the registration form.


  • Enter the search criteria in the search box such as an author name and affiliation, and click on “Search”. 
    • Remark: You may specify the searching period in the index date boxes. 


  • Click “Create Alert”. 


  • Enter a name for the alert.
    • Remarks: Please enable “Send me email alerts”. 


  • Click “Manage Alerts” for more setting options if needed. 


  • Click “More options”. 


  • Select the alert frequency, daily, weekly, or monthly. 



When you have received a new publication alert, you can create an AIMS record following the step 1 - 12 of Add New Records by Importing from External Databases. 

  • In Step 4, you may search the new publication in the Web of Science by Title or Publication ID.


  • The publication ID is the Accession Number shown in the document information section of a Web of Science record.