Web of Science MyRA |
Allows you to search, save results and create a curated feed of your research topics in the Web of Science. Log in with your account created at Web of science. |
EBSCOHost Mobile |
Allows you to search multiple EBSCOhost databases in one go. Find 'CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG' for the institution and log in with your account created at any EBSCOhost library databases. |
PubMed4Hh |
Access PubMed health information of the National Library of Medicine with PICO clinical query. |
Prime: PubMed Journals & Tools |
Provides quick search to the PubMed literature and link to the publisher’s full text articles. |
UCentral |
uCentral provides Medline search, medical calculators and library subscribed reference tools including:
Log in with your personal account created at uCentral. |
AccessMedicine |
Search across a number of medical resources such as videos, podcasts, images, infographics, and textbooks, including Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine or Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine. Log in with your MyAccess account created at AccessMedicine. |
MedOne |
This reader allows you to download and read Thieme E-books. Sign up an account at MedOne Education and then log in the app. |
IGP Reader |
This reader allows you to download iG Library E-books for offline reading. Register for a personal account at iG Library. Open an iG Library E-book with your browser, click on 'Read on App' and follow the instruction to download the E-book. |
BrowZine |
Find, read, and monitor scholarly journals in a single App. When open the app for the first time, select the Chinese University of Hong Kong from the Library list. |