APA (American Psychological Association) Style is a commonly used style for sciences, social sciences and education students. The following sample paragraphs are extracted from:
Chiu, A. S., & Chang, W. (2018). Hakka American Association and Their Online Discourses: A Case Study of Taiwan Council Global Website. Chinese America: History & Perspectives, 2018, 81-90.
Chiu, A. S. (2019). New Fuzhou Migrants in New York Reimagines Zheng He (鄭和). Chinese America: History & Perspectives, 2019, 61-64.
Use one citation style form consistently throughout a paper or thesis (either in Chinese or English language writing). You mention a seminar contribution, a book and a webpage publication as follows. All in-text citations and bibliographies are in APA Style.
Chiu, A. S., & Chang, W. (2018).
… Global Website encourages the development of a rich variety of living Hakka cultures in different regions. Li-Jung Wang (2018) argues that the Thai-Hakka identity is a result of the negotiation from the common ancestral land in China, as well as the new modern Hakka discourse and multicultural policy in Taiwan. Hakka religion, for example, has gone through localization in a Malaysian village (Carstens, 2007).
As Jonathan Lee (2006) points out, the telecommunications, transportation and Internet technology accelerate the globalization process of Chinese religious life in America. Transnational financial, commercial and cultural-religious ties also help “cement connections” and “forge new relationships that have transformed the various ethnic Chinese communities across national boundaries” (p. 251).
Carstens, S. A. (2007). The Spiritual World of a Hakka Village. Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 4(1), 29-64.
Lee, J. H. (2006). Contemporary Chinese American religious life. In J. Miller (Ed.), Chinese religions in contemporary societies (pp.235-256). ABC Clio.
Wang, L. (2018). Toward transnational identity? The reconstruction of Hakka identity in Thailand. Asian Ethnicity, 19(2), 211-234. https://doi.org/10.1080/14631369.2017.1340091
Chiu, A. S. (2019).
… The maritime adventure of Zheng He impresses Chinese from these regions (Suryadinata, 2007) and is a source of pride.
From the primary source of their hometown website in New York (Chiu, 2016), we also see that they have already taken the initiatives from 2005 to articulate their fictive kinship with Zheng He. They followed up the academic activity news of the U.S. Library of Congress for the Zheng He 600th anniversary over threaded mails such as the … Zheng He Nautical Chart (明代茅元儀整理《鄭和航海圖》寄望國家強盛) (Tian, 2005) …
Chiu, A. S. (2016). The Online Social World of Fuzhou Chinese Migrants in New York, 2004-2016. Chinese America: History & Perspectives, 2016: 33-40.
Suryadinata, L. (Ed.) (2007). Chinese diaspora since Admiral Zheng He: with special reference to maritime Asia. Chinese Heritage Centre.
Tian, B. (田邊 2005). Zheng He Nautical Chart (明代茅元儀整理《鄭和航海圖》寄望國家強盛). SinoFace.com. http://fujianese.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=396
Published date of the following online article is September 25, 2017. Its issue date is June 2018.