APA (American Psychological Association) Style is a commonly used style for sciences, social sciences and education students. The following sample paragraph is extracted from:
Chiu, A. S., & Yen, E. H. (2016). A Study of the publications from the emigrant villages in South China since the 1980s (一九八0年代以來的華南僑鄉刊物研究). National Central Library Bulletin 105(1), 129-146.
Use one citation style form consistently throughout a paper or thesis (either in Chinese or English language writing). You mention a seminar contribution, a book and a webpage publication as follows. All in-text citations and bibliographies are in APA Style.
There are variations depends on the type of social media. No need to italicize the document title in APA style. But in YouTube media, the title of photo and video should be in italic. For example:
Use their initial for author’s first name in APA style. If your document is sourced from social media Twitter, keep the author's name the same as his/her name appearing on the webpage without changing initial, capitalization or spacing like this citation.