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scite: Citation Statement Search

Citation Statement Search

Citation statements are the text segments before and after a citation in a citing publication. Citation statement search lets you search how a research community discusses a topic.

For example, I am interested in a particular topic, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I can input the topic in the text box and click search.


If an exact match is preferred, put double quotation marks, e.g. “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”. scite also suggests related topics for you to specify the search.


The results include citation statements containing the keywords you searched. You may refine the results by applying filters which also provide insights into the search results. For example, after clicking on [Authors], you can find who wrote on the topic the most. These authors can be considered experts in this topic.


You may save and download the search results, conduct an advanced search, create notifications, and analyze the results by clicking on one of the buttons indicated below.


After clicking on the [Analyze Search Results] button, the analytic report will give you an overview of the search results.

Citation Statement Search

How to verify virtually any scientific claim on the internet