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scite: Organizations/ Funders/ Journals Dashboard

Aggregated scite info at organizational, funders, journals levels

scite can help us check the research impact of an organization, funder, and journal from the perspective of citation activities.

It provides a list of organizations, funders, and journals, offers filters to narrow down the list, and ranks the list of items by different criteria for comparison purposes. A dashboard with aggregated scite information is prepared for each item for you to take a closer look at how an organization, funder, or journal has been cited.

How find scite info of organizations, funders, and journals?

1. Select [Product] and choose what you are interested in – [Journals], [Organizations], or [Funders]. For this demonstration purpose, I choose [Organizations].


2. All organizations indexed in the system are listed. I enter Hong Kong in the filter box and click [Apply] to retrieve all organizations with “Hong Kong” in the name.


3. The list of organizations can be ranked by a range of criteria. The example below is ranked by the total number of supporting citations.


4. Select an organization of interest to you for an organizational dashboard.

5. The dashboard offers key statistics, the total no. of articles, a breakdown of citation types, and editorial notices.


6. Scroll down to find a list of researchers affiliated with the organization. Click a researcher's name of interest to view their scite profile.


7. The final section lists all the publications affiliated with the organization supported by various filters and sorting criteria.


How scite can help you better understand the research being done at any organization