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Local TV Programme Collection: Home


This is a collection guide to some of the most important resources in the Local TV Programme Collection. Email or phone the collection specialist for more information and assistance.

Citing Reference

APA (American Psychological Association) style

APA citation style refers to the rules and conventions established by the American Psychological Association for documenting sources used in a research paper.

The Chicago Manual of Style Online

The Chicago Manual of Style Online is completely searchable and easy to use, providing quick answers to your style and editing questions. The Q&A content is fully searchable along with the content of The Chicago Manual of Style. The Chicago Manual of Style Online also provides convenient Tools, such as sample forms, letters, and style sheets.

MLA (Modern Language Association) style

MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities.

What is a citation

Watch this video to learn what is a citation and why we need citations?

Using Information Responsibly for Your Assignments

Description of Collection

Urban jungle
Source from:

Local TV Programme Collection

With authorization of Asia Television Limited (ATV), Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), Hong Kong Television Entertainment Company Limited (HKTVE) and Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), selected current affairs and instructional TV programmes are digitised by library to facilitate teaching and research in CUHK.

Local TV Programmes with Video-on-Demand (VoD) licence are available 24 hours (except during maintenance hours) through the campus network.


Video-on-Demand (VoD)

VoD service offers high quality videos to University members through the campus network. These videos can be viewed with functions such as forward and reverse play, pause and random positioning.

Before watching video, you need to have your computer connected to campus network and have it installed with Windows Media Player or MP4 player. For remote access to VoD, you have to connect to campus network via CUHK VPN.

Please click Video - Searching TIPS for more details.


Copyright Warnings

All videos are licenced for viewing only by CUHK staff and students accessed within the campus network for educational purpose. Any public performance, other uses, or copying is strictly prohibited.

Any unauthorized downloading, duplication, reproduction, transmission, and storage in any formats of the videos or any part thereof would violate the copyright restrictions.

Please refer to the Guidelines for Compliance with the Copyright Laws in the Use of Print, Non-print and Electronic Materials in the CUHK Library and Library Regulation on observing the law on copyright and systematic or excessive downloading of electronic content for details.

Access Restriction

This service is only accessible through the campus network of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Google scholar

Google Scholar Search




Head of United College Wu Chung Library

Profile Photo
Leo Ma
‧ The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library

‧ The Chinese University of Hong Kong, United College Wu Chung Library

(852) 3943-7658

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