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Scopus Author Profile Refinement: FAQ

Here are some commonly asked questions on Scopus Author Profile:




How can I update my name on the Profile?

1. Click [Edit] on your Profile to enter the edit mode.

2. Choose one of the available name variants on the Preferred Name field. Please note that the name variants are extracted from your publication list. In other words, you can only choose one of your name variants that were used in your publications indexed in Scopus.


Why do I need to edit my Scopus Author Profile?

The publication list on a Scopus Author Profile can be easily sent to other profiling systems such as Institutional Research Information Systems and ORCID. Moreover, if the publication list is correct, you can access the most updated research metrics on your Scopus Author Profile anytime.


Where can I find my Scopus Author Profile URL and my Scopus Author ID?

After you perform an author search and click on the author's name to view the profile, you can find the Scopus Author Profile URL is at the top of the browser and the Scopus Author ID is under the author’s name indicated by “SC”.


Which Scopus author profile will remain after the merging request is submitted?

Normally, the profile with more publications will be prioritized as the remaining profile. If two profiles have the same number of publications, Scopus determines the remaining profile by some general criteria like more recent publications or a higher number of citations. Please be reminded that the merge request will usually be completed by Scopus within 2-4 weeks.





How can I update my affiliation on the Profile?

1. Click [Edit] on your Profile to enter the edit mode.

2. Choose one of the available affiliations in the Current Affiliation field. Please note that the affiliations are extracted from your publication list. In other words, you can only choose one of the affiliations that were used in your publications indexed in Scopus. If you are new to the CUHK, you may update your affiliation after you publish a publication with the CUHK affiliation.


Why is my institution history on my Scopus Author Profile incorrect?

The institutional history is extracted from the publication list on the Profile. Two possible scenarios may contribute to an incorrect institutional history.

  • First, the list contains publications wrongly assigned to your Profile; therefore, the affiliation in a publication not authored by you is added to your institution history on your Profile.
  • Second, if your publication list is correct, some publications may have indexing errors. The Library reported over 1000 publications with affiliation indexing errors to Scopus. It takes time for Scopus to review and update the publications. You may request corrections to a document by filling in the form.

Please note that the most important task is to have a correct publication list for sending to other profiling systems.





Why can’t I add my publications to my Scopus Author Profile?

You can only add publications already indexed in Scopus to your Profile. Scopus does not index all research output available. It has a content coverage scope with information reviewed and selected by an independent Content Selection and Advisory Board. For more information, please visit HERE.


Why can’t I find my publications on Scopus?

Some of your publications may be available on Google Scholar but not Scopus. Scopus does not index all research output available. It has a content coverage scope with information reviewed and selected by an independent Content Selection and Advisory Board. For more information, please visit HERE.


What if I have identified inaccuracies, errors, or missing information in a publication indexed in the Scopus database?

You can submit a correction request through the Scopus web form to notify the Scopus team about the issue and provide the necessary details for them to review and make the appropriate corrections.
