Starting January 2025, CAS SciFinder will be updated to the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform, featuring additional content and new modules.
Who qualifies?
CUHK students and staff can access SciFinder Discovery Platform on-campus or remotely.
How to access?
Access SciFinder Discovery Platform through the Library HERE. Login in using your CUHK credentials.
What are the new developments to support academic research?
New features allow you to view pharmacology, ADME and toxicity data, and search for GHS hazard statements.
See How to use CAS SciFinder | CAS SciFinder FAQ
Searching ingredients for details including regulatory information, common formulations, and suppliers. Use the new Formulation Designer to design new formulations that are safe and effective.
Discover a comprehensive source of scientific methods with coverage across a broad range of scientific domains.
See How to use CAS Analytical Methods
Existing SciFinder users can now access the SciFinder Discovery platform directly by logging in with your CUHK e-mail and password. The previously registered SciFinder login is no longer needed.
Follow these steps for your first login to SciFinder Discovery Platform if you have an existing account:
Step 1: Access SciFinder Discovery Platform through the Library HERE.
Then, you will received a welcome message with the following content "We are going to confirm your identity and verify your institutional information. We will also be matching your CAS account with your institutional account information."
Step 2: If you input an email that matches an existing account, you will be prompted with the blue button that requests the users to ‘Link Accounts’. Once the process is complete, you will receive the following message confirming your account verification.
New users can access the SciFinder Discovery platform by logging in with your CUHK e-mail and password.