PlumX Metrics is one of the major altmetrics providers.
PlumX gathers altmetrics for more than 60 types of research output, including articles, books, book chapters, datasets, patents, conference papers, and more.
PlumX also uses unique identifiers to track online activities about the research output. Apart from DOIs, it also tracks URLs, arXiv ID, PubMed ID, SSRN ID, Youtube ID, ISBN, and more.
PlumX Metrics divides altmetrics into five categories of online activities.
Citations: Traditional citation index, patent citations, clinical citations, and policy citations. | |
Usage: Clicks, views, downloads, plays, and library holdings. | |
Captures: Saves in browser bookmarks and reference managers. | |
Mentions: Reference in blog posts, news, reviews, and Wikipedia | |
Social Media: Shares, likes, mentions in Twitter and Facebook |
PlumX Metrics offers widgets that can be embedded in research output pages of different platforms.
Some of the featured integrations include Science Direct, Mendeley, SSRN, and Scopus. Below is an example of finding PlumX in the Scopus database.