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Social Work: Quick Guide

Citing References - APA

APA (American Psychological Association) style is one of the common citation styles for referencing:

  • APA Style Guide from Purdue Online Writing Lab
    The resource provides the American Psychological Association (APA) citation and format style. It contains resources on in-text citation and the References page, as well as APA sample papers, slide presentations, and the APA classroom poster.
  • You may also read the Citation style recommendations / guidelines for other disciplines from the University.

Related Subjects

The following table lists the call number of books of various Social Work categories in the Library. The books are mainly housed on the third floor of the University Library (Location of Collections | the static map).

Please note: the table only lists out the major scope of particular categories. Other related books and e-books subscribed by the Library need to be located via the LibrarySearch.


Major Subject LC Class
Aged. Retirement. Death HQ1060-1074
Communities HT1-100
Community development HN49.C6
Counselling BF637.C6
Criminal justice administration HV7231-HW
Family (General). Sexual life HQ1-502
Family. Children. Youth HQ503-800
Interpersonal relations HM1106 - 1171
Law - Hong Kong KNR
Life skills. Life style HQ2035-HR
Love. Marriage HQ801-1059
Political institutions and public administration JQ21 - 6651
Psychology BF1-711
Public welfare HV1 - 9960
Service to Aged HV1450-1550
Service to Child. Youth. Women HV701-1449
Service to Disabled HV1551-3175
Service to Families. Single parents HV697-700
Service to Race groups. etc. HV3176-4996
Social group work HV45
Social interaction HM1111
Social pathology. Social service HV1-696
Social psychology HM251-9999
Social service HV1 - 696
Social work education HV11
Social workers HV40 - 69
Urban sociology HT101-165
Women. Feminism HQ1101-2034

Faculty Liaison Librarian (Faculty of Social Science)

Profile Photo
Bernice Chan
Learning Support, University Library,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong