APA (American Psychological Association) style is one of the common citation styles for referencing:
The following table lists the call number of books of various Social Work categories in the Library. The books are mainly housed on the third floor of the University Library (Location of Collections | the static map).
Please note: the table only lists out the major scope of particular categories. Other related books and e-books subscribed by the Library need to be located via the LibrarySearch.
Major Subject | LC Class |
Aged. Retirement. Death | HQ1060-1074 |
Communities | HT1-100 |
Community development | HN49.C6 |
Counselling | BF637.C6 |
Criminal justice administration | HV7231-HW |
Family (General). Sexual life | HQ1-502 |
Family. Children. Youth | HQ503-800 |
Interpersonal relations | HM1106 - 1171 |
Law - Hong Kong | KNR |
Life skills. Life style | HQ2035-HR |
Love. Marriage | HQ801-1059 |
Political institutions and public administration | JQ21 - 6651 |
Psychology | BF1-711 |
Public welfare | HV1 - 9960 |
Service to Aged | HV1450-1550 |
Service to Child. Youth. Women | HV701-1449 |
Service to Disabled | HV1551-3175 |
Service to Families. Single parents | HV697-700 |
Service to Race groups. etc. | HV3176-4996 |
Social group work | HV45 |
Social interaction | HM1111 |
Social pathology. Social service | HV1-696 |
Social psychology | HM251-9999 |
Social service | HV1 - 696 |
Social work education | HV11 |
Social workers | HV40 - 69 |
Urban sociology | HT101-165 |
Women. Feminism | HQ1101-2034 |