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Data Management Plan: CUHK DMP Template

This guide introduces what a research data management plan (DMP) is, its content, the rationale of writing a DMP, and resources on DMP.

CUHK DMP Template

The CUHK DMP Template aims to support CUHK researchers to prepare data management plans.  In this page, we have quoted selected questions from the seven topics covered in the Template:

When you create a plan on DMP Tool, you can select "CUHK DMP Template" to the question "Which DMP template would you like to use?"  The template will be presented in the "Write Plan" tab.  Guidance with reference to the situations in CUHK are provided on the right-hand-side of the questions.

Data Collection

Data Collection


Storage and Backup

Storage and Backup

Selection and Preservation

Selection and Preservation

Data Sharing

Data Sharing

Documentation and Metadata

Documentation and Metadata

Ethics and Legal Compliance

Ethics and Legal Compliance

Responsibility and Resources

Responsibility and Resources