Academic Earth
Video lectures from scholars at the University of California, Berkeley, Massachusettes Institute of Technology, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale. | e-Print archive: Mathematics, Statistics
An e-print service by Cornell University Library |
E-Print Network
Preprints, reprints, technical reports, conference publications and other electronic communications contributed by individual scienctists or research institutes (Developed by th U.S. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)) |
European Mathematical Information Service - Electronic Library of Mathematics (EMIS ELibM)
An open access repository of journals, proceedings, monographs and other electronic resources on mathematics (Offered by FIZ Karlsruhe / Zentralblatt MATH) |
Historical Math Mongographs Collection by Cornell University Library
More than 1,000 selected monographs published in 19th-20th Century |
INFOMINE: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
A collection of important university level research and educational tools on the Internet |
Intute: Science, Engineering and Technoology - Mathematics
A gateway to Internet resources selected by subject specialists based at UK universities |
The Jahrbuch Project: Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics
'A digital archive of the most important mathematical publications of the period 1868-1943 and based on the database "Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik"' |
MIT Open Courseware Mathematics
Course materials of undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at MIT |
Index to more than 450 million scientific items including journal article, theses and dissertations, pre-prints, scientists homepages, etc. |
The University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection
More than 900 selected books published in the 19th or early 20th century |
Wolfram MathWorld
Encyclopedia from Wolfram Research |