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Company Information: Reference Highlights

Business Directories

To locate names, addresses, telephone/fax numbers, emails, parent or subsidiary companies, and other brief descriptive information consult:

Brand / Trade Names

To identify trade names or brand names of a company use:


To find a ranking of companies try:

Company Profiles / Financials

For detail overviews of publicly held companies, from narrative descriptions to summarized financial statements and ratios try:

Annual report (Hong Kong)
(Search under the company name at the Library Catalogue
to find the call number)

HK Studies Company Report

Business source complete. Company profiles

Main board listed companies annual/interim reports
before 1996 (microfilm)
1996 - present (CD-ROM)
(Ask at the Reference Counter for CD-ROMs)

Biographical Profiles

To locate information about business executives and others in the business community consult: