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Pathology: Calculators & Tools

Clinical Calculators

Micromedex Calculators include a wide range of calculators on adult and pediatric dosing as well as units convertors. Click “Calculators" at the top of the menu bar to access.

Lexicomp provides over 100 calculators, such as 4T score and A-a Gradient. The Browse Category drop-down menu can be used to browse a specific subset of calculators.

ClinicalKey Calculators includes Drug Calculators, Clinical Criteria/Decision Trees Calculators, Medical Calculators and Unit Conversions Calculators.

AccessMedicine provides a series of quick reference tools for calculation of commonly used clinical parameters.

DynaMed Calculators provide a series of calculators including medical equations, clinical criteria, decision trees, statistics calculators, units and dose convertors, etc. Click “Calculators” at the top of the menu bar to access.

Diagnostic Test Calculators includes hundreds of diagnostic test calculators, divided into symptom/disease pairings, helping clinicians to choose the best diagnostic test and interpret the test results.

History and Physical Exam Calculators provide calculators divided into symptom/disease pairings to help determine the likelihood of a patient having a disease based on information gathered during a history and physical evaluation.

MedCalc provides quick reference calculators for cardiology, drugs, fluid and electrolytes, obstetrics, pediatrics, pulmonary and renal functions.

Evidence-Based Medicine Calculators

Clinical Calculator 1 estimates the population prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and likelihood ratios from an observed sample.

Clinical Calculator 2 calculates the predictive values of a test and its positive and negative likelihood ratios.

Diagnostic Test Calculator determine diagnostic test characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios) and/or the post-test probability of disease given the pre-test probability and test characteristics.

EBM Statistics Calculators calculate the parameters of diagnostic test, prospective study, case-control study, and randomized control trial for evidence-based medicine.

Decision Support Tools

Essential Evidence Plus offers hundreds of decision support tools and calculators to support clinical decision making. These tools help to estimate the likelihood of a diagnosis, calculate risk of disease, estimate a prognosis, or calculate a drug dose.