Lecture Series: | 任國榮先生生命科學講座 Yen Kwo Yung Lecture in Life Sciences |
Author(s)/Creator(s): | 香港: 香港中文大學新亞書院 The Chinese University of Hong Kong. New Asia College |
Call Number: | QH81 .R46 |
Publishers: | 香港: 香港中文大學新亞書院 The Chinese University of Hong Kong. New Asia College |
年份 Year | 講者 Speaker | 學院 University |
2014/15 | 徐立之教授 Prof. Tsui Lap-Chee |
港科院院長 President of the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong 前香港大學校長 Former Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Hong Kong |
2015/16 | 辛世文教授 Prof. Samuel S.M. Sun |
香港中文大學生物學榮休教授 Emeritus Professor of Biology 中國工程院院士 Member the Chinese Academy of Engineering |
2016/17 | Professor Peter WH Holland | 牛津大學動物學講座教授 Linacre Professor of Zoology 動物學系前系主任 Former Head of Department of Zoology, The University of Oxford |
2017/18 | 黃䙫麟教授 Prof. Peter KL Ng |
新加坡國立大學理學院教授 Professor from Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore 李光前自然博物館館長 Head of Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum |
2018/19 | 理察.羅伯茨爵士 Sir Richard J. Roberts Ph.D. F.R.S. D.S. |
1993年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎獲獎者 1993 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 新英格蘭生物實驗室首席科技官 Chief Scientific Officer of New England Biolabs Inc. |
2021/22 | 盧煜明教授 Prof. Lo Yuk Ming Dennis |
香港中文大學醫學院副院長(研究) SBS, JP, Associate Dean (Research) 香港中文大學化學病理學系系主任 Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, Chairman of Department of Chemical Pathology CUHK 香港中文大學李嘉誠醫學講座教授 Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine, CUHK |
2022/23 | 蔡明道教授 Prof. Tsai Ming-Daw |
台灣中央研究院生物化學研究所客座講座教授 Distinguished Visiting Chair, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan |
2023/24 | 袁國勇教授 Prof. Yuen Kwok Yung |
霍英東基金教授 Henry Fok Professor in Infectious Diseases 香港大學醫學院微生物學系講座教授(傳染病學) Chair of Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong |