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Legal Citation - Faculty of Law Style Online Guide: Secondary Sources

An online legal citation style guide for law students.

Materials listed below may be found in online sources. Only include a URL if the format of the material does not provide pagination (generally formats for reputable materials will be MS word or PDF with pagination).  

Secondary Sources

Annotated Ordinances 

Publisher Series Title Ordinance name date
LexisNexis Butterworths The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) 2011

Add paragraph number and paragraph title if citing in a footnote:
LexisNexis Butterworths
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) 2011 [14.04] Any agreement to the contrary 

Print and online versions are cited using the same method.


Generally not italicised and the year should be added to aid identification, e.g.:
Aviation Security (Amendment) Bill 2005

Add jurisdiction as well if discussing a number of legislative details from different jurisdictions.


Authors name (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), Book title, (edition no if 2nd or later edition) place of publication (may not be included at lecturer’s preference), publisher, year of publication (these may be enclosed in parentheses).

Details should be the same for printed or e-book versions if used.

If there are more than two authors, include the first only and then include ‘et al’ indicating there are more authors not cited by name.

For a Bibliography:
Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies Hong Kong, Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005


Brewer, John
The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies (Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005)


Subsequent editions:
Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies (2nd ed) Hong Kong, Sweet & Maxwell/ Thomson Reuters 2009

For a footnote:

Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies Hong Kong, Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005, 44


Brewer, John
The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies Hong Kong, Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005 at 44

Two Authors:

Davis, Nigel and Mitchell, Melanie Hong Kong Listed Companies : Law & Practice Hong Kong, CCH Hong Kong 2012

More Than Two Authors:
Wilkinson, Michael et al Advocacy and the Litigation Process in Hong Kong (3rd ed) Hong Kong, LexisNexis 2007

Corporate or Institutional Author:

Hong Kong Bar Association Code of Conduct of the Bar of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Hong Kong, Bar Council, Hong Kong Bar Association 2009

Edited works:

Editors name (ed), Book title, place of publication (may not be included at lecturer’s preference), publisher, year of publication (these may be enclosed in parentheses)

Antons, Christoph (ed) Law and Development in East and Southeast Asia New York, RoutledgeCurzon 2003

Chapters in edited works:

Author of chapter, ‘Title of chapter’, author or editor of book, Book title, place of publication (may not be included at lecturer's preference), publisher, year of publication (these may be enclosed in parentheses)

Bishop, Bernard ‘APEC, Industry Policy and the Role of Law’ in Antons, Christoph (ed) Law and Development in East and Southeast Asia New York, RoutledgeCurzon 2003


Books (or articles/other secondary sources) cited within another work (for footnote references):
Details of both the cited work and the work it is cited in need to be provided

Lord Millet ‘Proprietary Restitution’ in The Common Law Lecture Series Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law 2005, 57 cited in Yeung, Clemence The Law of Unjust Enrichment in Hong Kong Hong Kong, LexisNexis 2008, 76

CD-ROMs that come with books:

Author, (year) Title, [CD-ROM] Place of publication, publisher, year, (CD version indication of content if available)

Brewer, John The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies [CD-ROM] Hong Kong, Sweet & Maxwell Asia 2005 (CD version containing precedents)


Author, Title (details, name of translator, ‘original title of work’, place of publication, publisher, and translation year edition and original edition year if relevant)

Shang, Yang The Book of Lord Shang; A classic of the Chinese school of law Translated from the Chinese with introduction and notes by J.J.L. Duyvendak.
‘Shang-chün-shu’ London, Probsthain [1963, c1928]


Author, Title of paper, conference details, date
Amador, Raquel International Refugee Law Refugee Law Conference Centre for Comparative and Public Law Faculty of Law Hong Kong University 21 February 2004

Dictionaries (cited in a similar format to textbooks)

Dictionary name, place of publication, publisher, year of publication
Hong Kong Legal Dictionary
Hong Kong, LexisNexis/Butterworths 2004

Add page reference in footnotes if citing a definition from a print dictionary. If using an online version, include the identifier provided. The following are examples of citing the definition of ‘Extradition’ in a footnote in print and online from Lexis:
Hong Kong English-Chinese Legal Dictionary
LexisNexis/Butterworths 2005 at 728

Hong Kong Bilingual Legal Dictionary Lexis (online)


Publisher, Encyclopaedia title, edition number if 2nd edition or later edition, volume (if relevant), date of publication or date of retrieval if using electronic format and no date can be verified, title number, name of title, paragraph number, name of paragraph, page number(s) if using print version.

Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong

Print citation example:
LexisNexis/Butterworths Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 2nd ed., Volume 12 2012, [90], Civil Procedure : District Court, [90.2045], Extension of time by consent, 290

Online citation example:
LexisNexis/Butterworths Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, [online] dated 24 May 2012, [90], Civil Procedure : District Court, [90.2045], Extension of time by consent

Atkin’s Court Forms Hong Kong

Print citation example:
LexisNexis/Butterworths Atkin’s Court Forms Hong Kong, Volume 3, VI Personal Injuries, Forms, Particulars/Statement of Claim, Claims Against Occupiers, VI [1082]  Form 82 Particulars of Claim: Dangerous Premises, VI 1007

Online citation example:
LexisNexis/Butterworths Atkin’s Court Forms Hong Kong, [online] dated 01 December 2002,  Personal Injuries, Forms, Statement of Claim, Claims Against Occupiers, 82 Particulars of Claim: Dangerous Premises

The Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents

Print citation example:
LexisNexis/Butterworths The Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, Volume 17, Trusts, Commentary, K: Appointment of New Trustees, 22: Appointment Out of Court, [121] 22.2 Limitation on the Number of Trustees, 96

Online citation example:
LexisNexis/Butterworths The Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, [online] dated 29 July 2013, Trusts, Commentary, K: Appointment of New Trustees, 22: Appointment Out of Court, [121] 22.2 Limitation on the Number of Trustees

Hong Kong Civil Procedure (Hong Kong White Book)

Print citation example:
Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong Civil Procedure, 2013, Volume 1, Part A, Section 1 Rules of the High Court, Order 53 Applications for Judicial Review, 17. Meaning of “Court” (O.53, r.14) 53/14/27 Distinction between Public Law and Private Law, 990

Online citation example:
Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong Civil Procedure, 2013, [online] dated 29 July 2013, Part A, Section 1 Rules of the High Court, Order 53 Applications for Judicial Review, 17. Meaning of “Court” (O.53, r.14) 53/14/27 Distinction between Public Law and Private Law

Government Report & Press Release

Government Report:

Personal or corporate author (department, minister etc), Title, department, state and/or country, year.

Print citation example:
Electoral Affairs Commission Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of the District Councils Elections Electoral Affairs Commission Hong Kong 2003

Online citation example:
Electoral Affairs Commission Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of the District Councils Elections Electoral Affairs Commission Hong Kong 2003

Government Press Release:

Author (if identified) Title of press release, department country date
Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 Takes Effect Today
Information Services Department Hong Kong 19 July 2013 (online version)

Journal articles

Authors name (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), title of article, year of journal, volume, (issue) if noted, Title of Journal (may be abbreviated depending on lecturer’s preference), page

Example below is for a Bibliography.  For footnotes add page details as per books.
Whitfort, Amanda The Chinese Criminal Defence System: A Comparative Study of a System in Reform (2005) 35 (3) Hong Kong Law Journal 695


Whitfort, Amanda The Chinese Criminal Defence System: A Comparative Study of a System in Reform (2005) 35 (3) HKLJ 695

Legislative Council debates

Jurisdiction, Legislative Council Official Record of Proceedings, full date of debate, page(s), (Full name of speaker)
Hong Kong Legislative Council Official Record of Proceedings, Wednesday 5 January 2005, 3014-3017 (Ms Emily Lau)

Loose leaf services

Publisher title Vol Chapter and chapter title (if relevant) Title of paragraph, paragraph number (same details provided if an online version is used)
LexisNexis/Butterworths Securities Law: Hong Kong and the Peoples Republic of China Vol 1 Chapter 1 Regulatory Authorities Functions of the SFC [53]

Newspaper articles

Author (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), Title, Newspaper, Place of publication, Date, Page (or ‘online version’ if using online sources)

Print citation example:
Chen, George Google chairman warns Beijing not to curb freedoms South China Morning Post Hong Kong 5 November 2013 A1

Online citation example:
Chen, George Google chairman warns Beijing not to curb freedoms South China Morning Post Hong Kong 5 November 2013 (online version)

Parliamentary Papers

Corporate Author, Title, House, Paper number, Session number, (year)
House of Commons, Justice Committee. Constitutional Reform and Renewal. HC 923 2008-09 House of Lords, European Union Committee. Co decision and National Parliamentary Scrutiny. HL Paper 125, 17th Report, Session 2008-09


Speaker (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), Title, location of speech, date
Hannum, Hurst Turbans, Trade and Terrorism: Are Human Rights the Answer Speech given as Sir Y K Pao Chair in Public Law Inaugural Lecture at Hong Kong University on 24 March 2006


Author (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), Title, Level of Theses, Institution, year
Strick, Ross Canadian International Human Rights Policy: The cases for Cuba and China. Thesis (MA), University of Windsor, 1997

TV Programmes & News Reports

TV Programmes:
Broadcaster Title of programme Name of Program  Date

TVB Pearl, Criminal Flaws, The Pearl Report, 25 June 2012

News Reports:

Broadcaster, Presenter (if known), Title of programme, Date

TVB Pearl, Etienne Lamy-Smith, Kids Ocean Day Hong Kong 2012, 9 November 2012

UK Command papers

Author, Title, Command paper series number, (Year)
Home Office, Organised Crime Consultation paper 6875 (2006)

Internet materials

Email Message:
Author (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), email address, subject line from posting, date

Online databases:

Online database name
, Publication or filename source [online], date of retrieval, Author if known, Title, date if known

, Forbes- Asia/Pacific Stories, [online] retrieved 26/08/06 Tanzer, Andrew How Taiwan is invading China, 8 April 1996

Note that published works should be cited using details of the published version. Only use Internet citation format for materials generally only available on the Internet, eg an Online Journal:

Author(s) (Surname and first name or Surname and initial), Title (year) volume (issue) Journal Title, URL (date of access)
Prest, Wilfrid Blackstone on Judges; Blackstone as Judge (2004) 11(4) E-Law (12 August 2006)

General/individual works on the Internet:

Author (Surname and first name or Surname and initial if a person) (year) Title of document URL (date of access)

U.S. Department of State (2015)
International Parental Child Abduction
Hong Kong SAR (1 June 2015)

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