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Legal Citation - OSCOLA: Legislation

An online guide for citing commonly used legal resources.

Citing Legislation

This session provides guidelines for citing legislation from different jurisdictions, including Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, the People's Republic of China, the European Union, and International treaties and agreementsWe highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the General Principles for Legislation Citation before exploring the specific examples in each jurisdiction. These principles cover crucial aspects of legislation citation and can help you navigate the specific guidelines more efficiently.

General Principles for Legislation Citation

  • A footnote citation is not required if the source information is provided in the text.
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  • A footnote is necessary when the name of the legislation is not included in the text.
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  • When using a pinpoint reference, abbreviations should be used.
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  • If several jurisdictions are discussed in a work, add the jurisdiction of the legislation in brackets at the end of the citation.
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Primary Ordinance

  • Cite by the short title of the ordinance followed by the chapter number. Using capitals for the major words:
    Short title | Chapter Number | .

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Basic Law & National Security Law

  • Cite by its name and article number:
    Short title | Article Number | .

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Subsidiary Legislation

  • Cite by its short title and chapter number, using capitals for the major words:
    Short title | Chapter Number | .

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  • Cited by the title of the Bill, followed by the year:
    Title | Year | .
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Primary Legislation

  • Cite by the short title of the legislation followed by the year, without a comma before the year.  Using capitals for the major words:
    Short title | Year | .

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Statutory Instruments

  • Cited by the name of the instrument, year, and SI year/number:
    Title | Year SI Year Number .

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  • Cited by the title of the Bill, the House (HC for House of Commons, HL for House of Lords), the Parliamentary session, and the running number:
    Title | HC OR HL Bill | (Session) | [Number] | .
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  • Cite by the short title of the legislation followed by year and article number:
    PRC Constitution | Year |Art Number | .

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Primary Legislation

  • Cite by the official title in English followed by the year and article number. Using capitals for the major words. 
    Official title in English | Year | Art Number.

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Amendment Legislation

  • Cite by the official title in English followed by the article number. Using capitals for the major words.  
    Official title in English | Art Number.

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Judicial Interpretations

  • Cite by the official title in English followed by the year and article number. Using capitals for the major words:
    Official title in English | Year | Art Number.

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Administrative Regulations

  • Cite by the official title in English followed by the article number. Using capitals for the major words.  
    Official title in English | Art Number.

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EU Treaties and Protocols

  • Cite by its title, followed by year, the Official Journal (OJ) series, and the issue and page numbers:
    Title | [Year] | OJ Series | Issue | / | First page |.

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Regulations, Directives, Decisions, Recommendations and Opinions 

  • Cited by its legislation type, number and title, followed by publication details in the Official Journal of the European Communities (OJ):
    Legislation type | Legislation Number | Title | [Year] | OJ L | Issue | / | First Page | .

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International Treaties

  • The citation format of an international treaties: 
    Treaty Title | (adopted OR signed Date, | entered into force Date) | Volume | Treaty Series | Page | (Shortened Title) | Pinpoint | .

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Bilateral Treaties

  • Provide the names of parties to a bilateral treaty in parentheses immediately after the title, if required for clarity: 
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World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreements

  • You can find official sources of WTO agreement from the WTO Online Database and cite with the format below: 
    Title | Date | Document Symbol | Pinpoint <> | .

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General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Documents

  • Although a number of GATT documents are available on the WTO Online Database, the preferred source is BISD (Basic Instruments and Selected Documents): 
    Title | Date | Source| Supplement/ | Page | .

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Abbreviations for Pinpointing

Full Forms Abbreviations
part / parts pt / pts
section / sections s / ss
subsections / subsections sub-s / sub-ss
paragraph / paragraphs para / paras
subparagraph / subparagraphs subpara / subparas
schedule / schedules sch / schs
regulation / regulations reg / regs
rule / rules r / rr
article / articles art / arts