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Off-Campus Access to Library's E-Resources: Home

Off-Campus Access to E-Resources

Library's subscribed e-resources can be accessed remotely by CUHK current students, faculty and staff by the following ways:

  1. Easy Access
  2. Access via Bookmarklet
  3. E-resources Supporting Institutional Login

 Access to E-resources via VPN - this service will be phased out once New CUHK VPN is fully adopted. Please use Easy Access or Bookmarklet to access CUHK subscribed e-resources.

1. Easy Access to E-resources

Easy Access to E-resources

  • To access CUHK subscribed e-resources, simply select the e-resources you need from the Databases list or via LibrarySearch, then login with your CUHK Login when prompted.

  • Starting 3 August 2022, Two Factor Authentication (2FA) will be required when you login Easy Access. Please refer to ITSC web page for more details on 2FA.

  • You can access anywhere, no configuration on your PC or web browser is needed.


To find out more about your login ID and password, please click here.

2. Access via Bookmarklet

Access to E-resources via Bookmarklet

A bookmarklet is a browser bookmark that allows, directly from a publisher’s or vendor’s website, for you to be prompted to login via the Easy Access Login screen and access the full-text documents. Below are the installation step:

1. Drag this Bookmarklet icon: Easy Access Bookmarklet  to your web browser's toolbar as follow:

bookmarklet icon

2. Click on the Bookmarklet icon after accessing the publisher or vendor's webpage.

3. The Easy Access Login screen will pop up if the Library has subscribed to the resource.

Video: Off-Campus Access to E-Resources via Bookmarklet

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