Let’s celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Social Science! To commemorate the establishment of the Faculty, to celebrate the achievements of our distinguished alumni, and to promote our scholarly culture, in collaboration with the CUHK University Library, a Books of Honour Collection is formed. This Books of Honour is a special collection of books selected by esteemed alumni from the Faculty of Social Science. It serves to recognize and celebrate their achievements and to inspire others to follow their footsteps and make a positive impact on the world. |
"For our young fellows in pursuit of careers and personal goals, this timeless book is a must-read that merits revisiting every decade. It offers invaluable insights into business ethics and personal growth, serving as a tool for self-reflection and a guide to aligning ambitions with values." Message by Ms. AUYEUNG Phiyona/ Alumna of Architecture/ Class of 1997
Book Recommendation Title: The 38 Letters from J.D. Rockefeller to His Son |
"An excellent book for architects who are fascinated by New York. The author's extremely critical analysis of buildings in New York serves as an example of very rigorous research methodology. Great graphics." Message by Ms. CHAN Florence/ Alumna of Architecture/ Class of 1997
Book Recommendation Title: Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan |
「此書的緣起是宗教辯論,李天命博士借此闡明思考之道,時而幽默、時而辛辣的文筆,看似隨意和「不夠學術」,其實作者舉重若輕,把關鍵的語理分析、謬誤批判等思考方法精要,賦以實例展示說明。讀者若稍涉獵中外類似著作,便知此書甚精煉、嚴密。我念的是經濟學,一直從事金融,但在職業生涯裡讓我最受用的,就是李博士所授的思考方法。」 Message by Mr. HO Hon Kit/ Alumnus of Economics/ Class of 1993
Book Recommendation Title: 李天命的思考藝術 |
"As a developed economy, Hong Kong is close to Singapore and Israel in terms of population size and level of economic development, but Hong Kong is lagging far behind in terms of innovation. Hong Kong possesses many elements of innovation, such as the level of the rule of law, economic freedom, an open and efficient international capital market, high-level universities and the attractiveness of international talents. However, these advantages have not made Hong Kong a technology and innovation center. Israel's achievements in innovation and its unique innovative genes are worthy reference for Hong Kong." Message by Prof. ZHOU Shaojie/ Alumnus of Economics/ Class of 2007
Book Recommendation Title: Start-up nation: the story of Israel's economic miracle |
Message by Prof. LEUNG Yee/ Alumnus of Geography and Resource Management/ Class of 1972
Book Recommendation Title: Being Interdisciplinary: Adventures in Urban Science and Beyond |
「自我反省,知所不足,是驅動學習、進步的原動力。中國國民性有何缺失?美國傳教士明恩溥百多年前的觀察,歷久彌新,有助反思。」 Message by Dr. CHEUNG Kwai Yeung/ Alumnus of Journalism and Communication/ Class of 1986
Book Recommendation Title: 中國人的性格 |
"Time is the most precious asset in life. Once it passes, it cannot be restored by any method. Cherish your time and spend it on meaningful matters and people you love." Message by Prof. LEE Alice Y.L./ Alumna of Journalism and Communication/ Class of 1987
Book Recommendation Title: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century |
"A perpetuating problem of humans is "conflict of values i.e. enduring core beliefs". In lieu of the strategic and instrumental communication which prevails in our time, the Habermasian ideal of public discourse, which is characterized by "truth", "rightness" and "sincerity", can be the right prescription to the problem." Message by Prof. LEE Paul S. N./ Alumnus of Journalism and Communication/ Class of 1979
Book Recommendation Title: The theory of communicative action vol. 1, 2. |
「決心不是長遠的承諾,而是肯踏出第一步,然後堅持餘下的每一小步。」 Message by Mr. CHOI Poi Ki Pokky/ Alumnus of Psychology/ Class of 2009
Book Recommendation Title: 三體 |
"I love writing. More precisely, I love the process of working hard to improve my writing. I used to struggle to express myself clearly and confidently. This classic little book fundamentally changed my vision of what it means to write well and how to get there. It'll inspire you." Message by Dr. LEE Spike W.S./ Alumnus of Psychology/ Class of 2007
Book Recommendation Title: The Elements of Style |
「作者說追逐名利:「沉迷是大虛妄,破除100%的虛榮心也是。」(p.29) Message by Ms. CHAN Wong Shui Pamela/ Alumna of Social Work/ Class of 1968
Book Recommendation Title: 從思考到思考之上 |
「古今中外文化博大精深 Message by Prof. NGAI Ngan Pun/ Alumnus of Social Work/ Class of 1974
Book Recommendation Title: 兩岸三地社會政策 一 理論與實務 |
「三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。」 "When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them." Message by Prof. PENG Huamin/ Alumna of Social Work/ Class of 2005
Book Recommendation Title: 福利三角中的社会排斥:对中国城市新贫穷社群的一个实证研究 |
"It helps me how to overcome limiting belief, encourage me to strategize my future, embrace challenges, learning from mistakes and practices servant partnership." Message by Mr. YEUNG Yuen On Thomas/ Alumnus of Social Work/ Class of 1972
Book Recommendation Title: Rich Dad Poor Dad |
「社會科學方法的方法和應用 : Message by Prof. CHUNG Tom/ Alumnus of Sociology/ Class of 1972
Book Recommendation Title: 社会研究方法:科学在生活和职业上的应用 |
「世間充滿機遇和風險,要成就一生,必須抓緊機遇,管控風險:年輕時上進好學、中年時奮發有為、年老時保本養命。」 Message by Ms. LAU Connie Yin Hing, SBS, JP/ Alumna of Sociology/ Class of 1973
Book Recommendation Title: 樂觀時變 |
"Life is precious. Staying alive is the cardinal rule of surviving difficult situations. We have friends and opponents in our life, so enjoy living and working with our friends, and if we cannot beat our opponents, make them our partners or co-exist with them no battling." Message by Mr. LI Philip Wing Kuen/ Alumnus of Sociology/ Class of 1973
Book Recommendation Title: Life of Pi |
"The prospect of living without certainty or necessity may cause us to respond with fear, anxiety, and insecurity, but equally it allows us to live with imagination and responsibility." Message by Prof. NGAI Steven Sek-yum/ Alumnus of Sociology/ Class of 1999
Book Recommendation Title: Social Work in a Globalizing World |
"This is a book not only about life and evolution, but also about how we can better live our lives and evolve into a better person. The chapter "Nice guys finish first" taught me three life principles of Evolutionary Stable Strategy: "be nice, be firm and be forgiving". " Message by Prof. SO Clement/ Alumnus of Sociology/ Class of 1980
Book Recommendation Title: The Selfish Gene |